


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Macleod GT

1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Macleod GT, Dickens P
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, P. Dickens: Quantal potential fields around individual active zones of amphibian motor-nerve terminals, Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 1106–1118.

2. Macleod GT, Dickens P, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, P. Dickens, L. Farnell, W. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Quantal potential fields around individual active zones of amphibian motor-nerve terminals, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentieth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2000), 212.

3. Macleod GT, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson and M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (bufo marinus), Journal of Neurophysiology, 81 (1999), 1135–1146.

4. Macleod GT, Khurana V, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, V. Khurana, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Probability of quantal secretion and the mobilization of vesicles at the active zones of endplates, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 191 (1998), 323–334.

5. Gibson WG, Macleod GT, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (Bufo marinus), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Volume 9, Australian Neuroscience Society, Eighteenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (1998), 123.

Number of matches: 5