


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Mercer GN

1. Sweatman WL, Mercer GN, Boland J, Cusimano N, Greenwood A, Harley K, van Heijster P, Kim PS, Maisano J, Nelson MA, Pettet G
W.L. Sweatman, G. Mercer, J. Boland, N. Cusimano, A. Greenwood, K. Harley, P. van Heijster, P. Kim, J. Maisano, M. Nelson, and G. Pettet: Seaweed cultivation and the remediation of by-products from ethanol production: a glorious green growth, Proceedings of the 2014 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, MISG-2014, 2014 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, T. Farrell and A. J. Roberts (eds.), ANZIAM Journal, vol. 56, ANZIAM, online, (2016), M1–M29. ISBN N/A.

2. Sidhu HS, Sexton MJ, Nelson MI, Mercer GN, Weber RO
Harvider S Sidhu, Mary J Sexton, Mark I Nelson, Geoffry N Mercer and Rodney O Weber: A simple combustion process in a semibatch reactor, EMAC 2000 proceedings, EMAC 2000, R L May, G F Fitz-Gerald, I H Grundy (eds.), Proceedings of the fourth biennial engineering mathematics and applications conference, RMT University, Melbourne, (2000), 251–254. ISBN 085825 705 X.

3. Weber RO, Mercer GN, Sidhu HS, Gray BF
R O Weber, G N Mercer, H S Sidhu and B F Gray: Combustion waves for gases (\(Le=1\)) and solids (\(Le \to \infty\)), Royal Society of London. Proceedings, 453 (1997), 1105–1118. 98a:80007

4. Gray BF, Mercer GN, Weber RO, Watt SD
B. F. Gray, G. N. Mercer, R. O. Weber and S. D. Watt: Combustion pseudo-waves in a system with reactant consumption and heat loss, Mathematical Computation and Modelling, 24 (1996), no. 8, 29–38. MR1422953

5. Gray BF, Weber RO, Mercer GN, Watt SD
B. F. Gray, R. O. Weber, G. N. Mercer and S. D. Watt: Combustion waves: non-adiabatic, Lecture Notes in Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, 449 Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1995), 285–295.

Number of matches: 5