


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Merrifield A, Myerscough MR, Weber NC
A Merrifield, Mary R Myerscough and N Weber: Statistical tests for analysing directed movement of self-organising animal groups, Mathematical Biosciences, 203 (2006), no. 1, 64–78. MR2268161

2. Merrifield A, Myerscough MR, Weber NC
Alistair Merrifield, Mary Myerscough and Neville Weber: A model of spatial sorting in animal groups, with an application to honeybee swarm movement, (2004), preprint.

3. Merrifield A, Savage MK, Vere-Jones D
Merrifield, A., Savage, M.K. and Vere-Jones, D.: Geographical distributions of prospective foreshock probabilities in New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47 (2004), 327–339.

Number of matches: 3