


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Review: Acoustic Ecology Symposium, 4 (2003), 39–41.

2. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Review: ACMA Conference Perth, July 2003, 34 (2003), 11–17.

3. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Review: Real, Electronic, Virtual, 32 (2002), 3–8.

4. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Review: Second Iterations, 31 (2001), 7–10.

5. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Computer Music in New South Wales, Organised Sound, 6 (2001), 55–61.

6. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Waveform 2001 - a digital music conference, Waveform 2001, Australasian Computer Music Association Conference, Proceedings, Waveform 2001, Australasian Computer Music Association Conference, Monro GP (ed.), School of Contemporary Arts, University of Western Sydney, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, (2001), 112.

7. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Some sound modifications using wavelets, Mikropolyphonie, 5 (2001), (online journal).

8. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Some experiences with algorithms in musical composition, Proceedings of the Mathematics and Art Conference, Bond University, Dec. 2000, Mathematics and Art, N. de Mestre (ed.), Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, (2000), 11–19.

9. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: In-phase corrections for Ambisonics, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Berlin, 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2000, International Computer Music Conference, Ioannis Zannos (ed.), International Computer Music Association, San Francisco and the Berliner Kulturveranstaltungs GmbH, Berlin, (2000), 292–295. ISBN 0-9667927-2-6.

10. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: An acousmatic experience, Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 26-27 (2000), 3–6.

11. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Mathematics service teaching in 2010, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 27 (2000), 46–48.

12. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Report on the 1999 ANAT Summer School, Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 24 (1999), 2–3.

13. Monro GP, Pressing J
Gordon Monro and Jeff Pressing: Sound visualization using embedding: the art and science of auditory autocorrelation, Computer Music Journal, 22 (1998), 20–30.

14. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Taming chaotic waveforms, Interface 97 Conference Proceedings, Interface 97, John Rimmer, John Elmsly (eds.), University of Auckland School of Music, Auckland, New Zealand, (1997), 1–9.

15. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: This is art, not science, Leonardo Music Journal, 7 (1997), 77–80.

16. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Digital power - cheap, Sounds Australian, 14 (1996), 18–20.

17. Monro GP
Monro GP: Waveform modification by lagged embedding, Proceedings of the conference CompMusic 93, CompMusic 93, Mikropolyphonie, 1 (1995), 29–31.

18. Drummond J, Monro GP
Drummond J, Monro GP: Sound Imaging Through Lagged Embedding, 2 (1995),

19. Monro GP
Monro GP: Intuition, Algorithms and "Dry Rivers", ACMA 1995 (Australian Computer Music Association), June 9-11 1995, L. Harvey and A. Riddell (eds.), Australian Computer Music Association, (1995), 39–50.

20. Monro GP
Monro GP: Fractal Interpolation Waveforms, Computer Music Journal, 19 (1995), no. 1, 88–98.

21. Monro GP
Monro GP: ICMC 1994 - The Human Touch, (Oct 1994) (1994), no. 18, 11–14.

22. Drummond J, Monro GP
Drummond J, Monro GP: Geometric Sound Transformations, International Computer Music Conference, Aarhus, 1994, International Computer Music Association, (1994), 327–328.

23. Monro GP
Monro GP: Dry Choices, (1994),

24. Cohen A, Monro GP
Cohen A, Monro GP: New Stars, (1994),

25. Monro GP
Monro GP: Study in Dimension 1.245, (1994),

26. Drummond J, Monro GP
Drummond J, Monro GP: Static and Dynamic Sound Warping, Synaesthetica '94, Canberra, 1--3 July 1994, (1994), 1–10.

27. Monro GP
Monro GP: Review of International Computer Music Conference, Tokyo 1993, (1994), no. 15, 12–15.

28. Monro GP
Monro GP: Dry Choices, (1993),

29. Monro GP
Monro GP: Study in Dimension 1.245, (1993),

30. Monro GP
Monro GP: Waveform modification by lagged embedding, CompMusic '93, Sydney University, 10 July, 1993, (1993), 1.

31. Monro GP
Monro GP: Synthesis from attractors, International Computer Music Conference 1993, Tokyo, T. Taguti et al eds (ed.), International Computer Music Association, (1993), 390–392.

32. Monro GP
Monro GP: Logic, Sheaves and Factorization Systems, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 58 (1993), no. 3, 872–893. 94k:03082

33. Monro GP
Monro GP: Fractal interpolation waveforms, New Music Australia Conference, Melbourne, July 1992, (1992),

34. Dampney C, Johnson MS, Monro GP
Dampney C, Johnson M, Monro GP: An illustrated mathematical foundation for ERA, Proceedings of the Conference on Unified Computing, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Oxford University Press, (1992), 77–84.

35. Monro GP
Monro GP: The Pan Pacific Music Technology Camp --- Gordon Monro interviews Dennis Patterson, Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 7 (1991),

36. Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP
Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP: Seven studies in space and time, (1991),

37. Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP
Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP: Night on a fractal mountain, (1991),

38. Monro GP
Monro GP: Proofs and Problems in Calculus, 2nd edition Carslaw Publications, (1991),

39. Fredericks I, Lee R, Monro GP, Ryan M
Fredericks I, Lee R, Monro GP, Ryan M: Strange Attractors, (1990),

40. Monro GP
Monro GP: A note on the performer's conception of space, Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement, 6 (1990), no. 2, 63–71.

41. Monro GP
Monro GP: Interpolation methods in the computer manipulation of sound, Australian New Music Conference, Brisbane, August 1990, (1990),

42. Monro GP
Monro GP: Proofs and Problems in Calculus, Carslaw Publications, Sydney, (1988),

43. Monro GP
Monro GP: The concept of multiset, Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 33 (1987), 171–178. 89b:04003

44. Monro GP
Monro GP: A category theoretic approach to Boolean valued models of set theory, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 42 (1986), 245–274. 88f:03045

45. Monro GP
Monro GP: Quasitopoi, logic and Heyting valued models, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 42 (1986), 141–164. 88m:03096

46. Monro GP
Monro GP: Lecture Notes for Third Year Logic, (1984),

47. Hickman RC, Monro GP
Hickman RC, Monro GP: Distributive partially ordered sets, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 120 (1984), 151–166. 86h:06006

48. Monro GP
Monro GP: On generic extensions without the axiom of choice, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 48 (1983), 39–52. 84d:03061

49. Monro GP
Monro GP: The development of complex numbers, Reflections, 3 (1978), 4–9.

50. Eyland RW, Monro GP
Eyland RW, Monro GP: The History of Mathematical Ideas Option at Sydney University, a Follow Up, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 5 (1978), 20–24. 80m:01002

51. Monro GP, Taylor DE
Monro GP, Taylor DE: On multiply transitive groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 26 (1978), 57–58. 80c:20005

52. Monro GP
Monro GP: Hilbert and Gödel : the recent history of the axiomatic method, The Australian Mathematics Teacher, 32 (1976), 103–106.

53. Monro GP
Monro GP: Independence results concerning Dedekind finite sets, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 19 (1975), 35–46. 50:12718

54. Eyland RW, Monro GP
Eyland RW, Monro GP: The History of Mathematical Ideas option in Pure Mathematics III at the University of Sydney, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 1 (1974), 43–46.

55. Monro GP
Monro GP: The cardinal equation \(2m=m\), Colloquium Mathematicum, 29 (1974), 1–5. 49:4773

56. Monro GP
Monro GP: The strong amalgamation property for complete Boolean algebras, Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 20 (1974), 499–502. 55:2563

57. Barnes DW, Monro GP
Barnes DW, Monro GP: A simple model for a weak system of arithmetic, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 11 (1974), 321–323. 50:9571

58. Monro GP
Monro GP: Decomposable cardinals, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 80 (1973), 101–104. 48:3741

59. Monro GP
Monro GP: Models of \(ZF\) with the same sets of sets of ordinals, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 80 (1973), 105–110. 50:105

60. Monro GP
Monro GP: Small sets with large powersets, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 8 (1973), 413–421. 47:8303

Number of matches: 60