


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Chambers KL, Myerscough MR, Watson MG, Byrne HM
Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough, Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne: Blood Lipoproteins Shape the Phenotype and Lipid Content of Early Atherosclerotic Lesion Macrophages: A Dual-Structured Mathematical Model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no. 9, 44 pages.

2. Chambers KL, Watson MG, Myerscough MR
Keith L Chambers, Michael G Watson & Mary R Myerscough: A Lipid-Structured Model of Atherosclerosis with Macrophage Proliferation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no. 104, 1–29.

3. Ahmed IU, Myerscough MR
Ishraq U Ahmed, Mary R Myerscough: HDL and plaque regression in a multiphase model of early atherosclerosis, Mathematical Biosciences, 373 (2024), no. July 2024, 109208 (21 pages).

4. Watson MG, Chambers KL, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough: A Lipid-Structured Model of Atherosclerotic Plaque Macrophages with Lipid-Dependent Kinetics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85 (2023), Article 85, 42 pages.

5. Ahmed IU, Byrne HM, Myerscough MR
Ishraq U Ahmed, Helen M Byrne, Mary R Myerscough: Macrophage Anti-inflammatory Behaviour in a Multiphase Model of Atherosclerotic Plaque Development, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85 (2023), no. 5, Article 37 (29 pages).

6. Arias-Calluari K, Colin T, Latty T, Myerscough MR, Altmann EG
Karina Arias-Calluari, Theotime Colin, Tanya Latty , Mary Myerscough , Eduardo G Altmann: Modelling daily weight variation in honey bee hives, PLOS Computational Biology, 19 (Open Access) (2023), no. 3, e1010880 (22 pages).

7. Chambers KL, Myerscough MR, Byrne HM
Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough, Helen M Byrne: A new lipid-structured model to investigate the opposing effects of LDL and HDL on atherosclerotic plaque macrophages, Mathematical Biosciences, 357 (2023), 108971, 16 pp.

8. Lui G, Myerscough MR
Gigi Lui and Mary R Myerscough: Modelling Preferential Phagocytosis in Atherosclerosis: Delineating Timescales in Plaque Development, Bulletin of the Mathematical Biology, 83 (2021), Artcle number 96 (18 pages).

9. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A multiphase model of growth factor-regulated atherosclerotic cap formation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81 (2020), 725–767.

10. Zeaiter Z, Myerscough MR
Zeaiter Zeaiter and Mary R Myerscough: Poor hive thermoregulation produces an Allee effect and leads to colony collapse, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 503 (2020), no. October 2020, Art. 110361 (12 pages).

11. Ford HZ, Byrne HM, Myerscough MR
Hugh Z Ford, Helen M Byrne, Mary R Myerscough: A lipid-structured model for macrophage populations in atherosclerotic plaques, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 479 (2019), no. October 2019, 48–63. MR3983063

12. Ford HZ, Zeboudj L, Purvis GSD, ten Bokum A, Zarebski AE, Bull JA, Byrne HM, Myerscough MR, Greaves DR
Hugh Z Ford, Lynda Zeboudj , Gareth S D Purvis , Annemieke ten Bokum , Alexander E Zarebski, Joshua A Bull , Helen M Byrne , Mary R Myerscough and David R Greaves: Efferocytosis perpetuates substance accumulation inside macrophage populations, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286 (2019), no. 1904, Article number 20190730.

13. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A two-phase model of early fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 456 (2018), no. November 2018, 123–136.

14. Thon MP, Ford HZ, Gee MW, Myerscough MR
Moritz P Thon, Hugh Z Ford, Michael W Gee, Mary R Myerscough: A Quantitative Model of Early Atherosclerotic Plaques Parameterized Using In Vitro Experiments, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2018), no. 1, 175–214.

15. Chalmers AD, Bursill CA, Myerscough MR
Alexander D Chalmers, Christina A Bursill and Mary R Myerscough: Nonlinear dynamics of early atherosclerotic plaque formation may determine the efficacy of high density lipoproteins (HDL) in plaque regression, PLoS One, 12 (2017), no. 11, e0187674.

16. Hogan AB, Myerscough MR
Alexandra B Hogan, Mary R Myerscough: A model for the spread of an invasive weed, Tradescantia fluminensis, Bulletin of the Mathematical Biology, 79 (2017), 1201–1217.

17. Perry CJ, Søvika E, Myerscough MR, Barron AB
Clint J Perry, Eirik Søvika, Mary R Myerscough and Andrew B Barron: Rapid behavioral maturation accelerates failure of stressed honey bee colonies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (2015), no. 11, 3427–3432.

18. Cohen A, Myerscough MR, Thompson RS
Anna Cohen, Mary R. Myerscough, Rosemary S. Thompson: Athero-protective Effects of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL): An ODE Model of the Early Stages of Atherosclerosis, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76 (2014), no. 5, 1117–1142.

19. Schaerf TM, Makinson JC, Myerscough MR, Beekman M
T M Schaerf, J C Makinson, M R Myerscough and M Beekman: Do small swarms have an advantage when house hunting? The effect of swarm size on nest-site selection by Apis mellifera, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10 (2013), no. 87, Art. 20130533.

20. Khoury DS, Barron AB, Myerscough MR
D S Khoury, A B Barron and M R Myerscough: Modelling Food and Population Dynamics in Honey Bee Colonies, PLoS One, 8 (2013), no. 5, Article numbere59084.

21. Brito RM, Schaerf TM, Myerscough MR, Heard TA, Oldroyd BP
Rute M Brito, Timothy M Schaerf, Mary R Myerscough, Tim A Heard, Benjamin P Oldroyd: Brood comb construction by the stingless bees Tetragonula hockingsi and Tetragonula carbonaria, Swarm Intelligence, 6 (2012), no. 2, 151–176.

22. Schaerf TM, Myerscough MR, Makinson JC, Beekman M
Timothy M Schaerf, Mary R Myerscough, James C Makinson, Madeleine Beekman: Inaccurate and unverified information in decision making: A model for the nest site selection process of Apis florea, Animal Behaviour, 82 (2011), 995–1013.

23. Khoury DS, Myerscough MR, Barron AB
David S Khoury, Mary R Myerscough and Andrew B Barron: A Quantitative Model of Honey Bee Colony Population Dynamics, PLoS ONE, 6 (2011), no. e18491, 1–6.

24. Edwards JR, Myerscough MR
James R Edwards, Mary R Myerscough: Intelligent decisions from the hive mind: Foragers and nectar receivers of Apis mellifera collaborate to optimise active forager numbers, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 271 (2011), no. 1, 64–77.

25. Diwold K, Schaerf TM, Myerscough MR, Middendorf M, Beekman M
Konrad Diwold, Timothy M Schaerf, Mary R Myerscough, Martin Middendorf and Madeleine Beekman: Deciding on the wing: in-flight decision making and search space sampling in the red dwarf honeybee Apis florea, Swarm Intell, 5 (2011), 121–141.

26. Ougrinovskaia A, Thompson RS, Myerscough MR
Anna Ougrinovskaia, Rosemary S Thompson and Mary R Myerscough: An ODE model of early stages of Atherosclerosis: Mechanisms of the inflammatory response, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72 (2010), 1534–1561.

27. Cameron DA, Ivers DJ, Evans TA, Myerscough MR
David A Cameron, David J Ivers, Theodore A Evans and Mary R Myerscough: Optimal reproduction strategies in two species of mound-building termites, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70 (2008), no. 1, 189–209. MR2365954

28. Myerscough MR, Perdriau BS
B S Perdriau and M R Myerscough: Making good choices with variable information: a stochastic model for nest-site selection by honeybees., Biology Letters, 3 (2007), 140–143.

29. Graham S, Myerscough MR, Jones JC, Oldroyd BP
S. Graham, MR Myerscough, JC Jones, BP Oldroyd: Modelling the role of intracolonial genetic diversity on regulation of brood temperature in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies, Insectes Sociaux, 53 (2006), 226–232.

30. Merrifield A, Myerscough MR, Weber NC
A Merrifield, Mary R Myerscough and N Weber: Statistical tests for analysing directed movement of self-organising animal groups, Mathematical Biosciences, 203 (2006), no. 1, 64–78. MR2268161

31. Merrifield A, Myerscough MR, Weber NC
Alistair Merrifield, Mary Myerscough and Neville Weber: A model of spatial sorting in animal groups, with an application to honeybee swarm movement, (2004), preprint.

32. Myerscough MR, Oldroyd BP
MR Myerscough BP Oldroyd: Simulation models of the role of genetic variability in social insect task allocation, Insectes Sociaux, 51 (2004), 146–152.

33. Jones JC, Myerscough MR, Graham S, Oldroyd BP
JC Jones, MR Myerscough, S Graham and BP Oldroyd: Honey bee nest thermoregulation: diversity promotes stability, Science, 305 (2004), 402–404.

34. Vincent AD, Myerscough MR
Andrew D Vincent, Mary R Myerscough: The effect of a non-uniform turning kernel on ant trail morphology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 49 (2004), 391–432. MR2105837

35. Beekman M, Oldroyd BP, Myerscough MR
Beekman, M; Oldroyd, BP; Myerscough MR: Sticking to their choice--honey bee subfamilies abandon declining food sources at a slow but uniform rate, Ecological Entomology, 28 (2003), 233–238.

36. Cox MD, Myerscough MR
Cox, MD and Myerscough, MR: A flexible model of foraging by a honey bee colony: the effects of individual behaviour on foraging success, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 223 (2003), 179–197. MR2068413

37. Myerscough MR
Myerscough, MR: Dancing for a decision: a matrix model for nest-site choice by honeybees, Proceedings of the Royal Society. London. Series B, 270 (2003), 577–582.

38. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA, Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson and M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality and emergent oscillations in models of termite architecture with crowding, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 221 (2003), 15–27.

39. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA, Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson and M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality in ant brood tending, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 221 (2003), 1–14.

40. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA, Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson, M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality in termite architecture: a role for crowding in ensuring ordered nest expansion, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 198 (1999), 305–327.

41. Myerscough MR, Maini PK, Painter KJ
M.R. Myerscough, P.K. Maini and K.J. Painter: Pattern formation in a generalised chemotactic model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 60 (1998), 1–26.

42. Maini PK, Myerscough MR
Maini, P.K. and Myerscough, M.R.: Boundary-driven instability, Applied Mathematics Letters, 10 (1997), 1–4.

43. Myerscough MR
M.R. Myerscough: Bifurcations, structural stability and persistent populations---new insights into classical models with harvesting and stocking, Frontiers of Population Biology, The Nicholson Centenary Conference on Population Biology, R.B Floyd, A.W. Sheppard, P.J. de Barro (eds.), CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, (1996), 617–630. ISBN 0 643 05781 1.

44. Myerscough MR, Darwen MJ, Hogarth WL
M.R. Myerscough, M.J. Darwen, W.L. Hogarth: Stability, persistence and structural stability in a classical predator-prey model, Ecological Modelling, 89 (1996), 31–42.

45. Woodward ED, Tyson R, Myerscough MR, Murray JD, Budrene EO, Berg HC
Woodward ED, Tyson R, Myerscough MR, Murray JD, Budrene EO, Berg HC: Spatio-temporal patterns generated by Salmonella typhimurium, Biophysical Journal, 68 (1995), 2181–2189.

46. Myerscough MR
Myerscough MR: A simple model for temperature regulation in honeybee swarms, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 162 (1993), 381–393.

47. Myerscough MR, Murray JD
Myerscough MR, Murray JD: Analysis of propagating pattern in a chemotaxis system, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 54 (1992), 77–94.

48. Myerscough MR, Gray BF, Hogarth WL, Norbury J
Myerscough MR, Gray BF, Hogarth W, Norbury J: An analysis of an ordinary differential equation model for a two-species predator-prey system with harvesting and stocking, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 30 (1992), 389–411. 93e:92013

49. Myerscough MR
Myerscough MR: Bifurcation in two nonlinear ordinary differential equation models, Conference on Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine, (1991),

50. Forbes LK, Myerscough MR, Gray BF
Forbes LK, Myerscough MR, Gray BF: On the presence of limit-cycles in a model exothermic chemical reaction: Sal'nikov's oscillator with two temperature-dependent reaction rates, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 435 (1991), 591–604. 92j:80008

51. Murray JD, Myerscough MR
Murray JD, Myerscough MR: Pigmentation pattern formation on snakes, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 149 (1991), 339–360.

52. Maini PK, Myerscough MR, Winters KH, Murray JD
*Maini PK, Myerscough MR, Winters KH, Murray JD: Bifurcating spatially heterogeneous solutions in a chemotaxis model for biological pattern formation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 53 (1991), 701–719.

53. Myerscough MR
Myerscough MR: Propagation of a standing wave pattern in a chemotactic system, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 17 (1990), 1–4. MR1037098

54. Winters KH, Myerscough MR, Maini PK, Murray JD
Winters KH, Myerscough MR, Maini PK, Murray JD: Tracking bifurcating solutions of a model biological pattern generator, Impact of Computing in Science and Engineering, 2 (1990), 355–371.

55. Myerscough MR, Maini PK, Murray JD, Winters KH
Myerscough MR, Maini PK, Murray JD, Winters KH: Two dimensional pattern formation in a chemotactic system, Dynamics of Complex Interconnected Biological System, Vincent TL, Mees AI, Jennings LS (eds.), Birkhauser, Boston, (1990), 65–83. MR1104228

56. Myerscough MR, Swan MA
Myerscough MR, Swan MA: A model for swimming unipolar spirilla, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 139 (1989), 201–218.

Number of matches: 56