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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Slevinsky RM, Olver S
Richard Mikael Slevinsky, Sheehan Olver: A fast and well-conditioned spectral method for singular integral equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 332 (2017), 290–315.

2. Pearson JW, Olver S, Porter MA
John W Pearson, Sheehan Olver, Mason A Porter: Numerical methods for the computation of the confluent and Gauss hypergeometric functions, Numerical Algorithms, 74 (2017), no. 3, 821–866.

3. Vasil GM, Burns KJ, Lecoanet D, Olver S, Brown BP, Oishi JS
Geoffrey M Vasil, Keaton J Burns, Daniel Lecoanet, Sheehan Olver, Benjamin P Brown, Jeffrey S Oishi: Tensor calculus in polar coordinates using Jacobi polynomials, Journal of Computational Physics, 325 (2016), 53–73. MR3546836

4. Trogdon T, Olver S
Thomas Trogdon and Sheehan Olver: A Riemann–Hilbert approach to Jacobi operators and Gaussian quadrature, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (2016), 174–196.

5. Trogdon T, Olver S
Thomas Trogdon and Sheehan Olver: Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Their Numerical Solution, and the Computation of Nonlinear Special Functions, SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA, (2015), 373. ISBN 978-1-611974-19-5.

6. Townsend A, Olver S
Alex Townsend, Sheehan Olver: The automatic solution of partial differential equations using a global spectral method, Journal of Computational Physics, 299 (2015), 106–123.

7. Slevinsky RM, Olver S
Richard Mikael Slevinsky and Sheehan Olver: On The Use of Conformal Maps for the Acceleration of Convergence of the Trapezoidal Rule and Sinc Numerical Methods, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37 (2015), no. 2, A676–A700.

8. Olver S, Townsend A
Sheehan Olver and Alex Townsend: A practical framework for infinite-dimensional linear algebra, Proceedings of HPTCDL 2014: 1st Workshop for High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages, 2014 First Workshop for High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages HPTCDL 2014, IEEE - HPTCDL, IEEE Xplore, USA, (2014), 57–62.

9. Deift PA, Menon G, Olver S, Trogdan T
Percy A Deift, Govind Menon, Sheehan Olver, and Thomas Trogdon: Universality in numerical computations with random data, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (2014), no. 42, 14973–14978.

10. Olver S
Sheehan Olver: Change of variable formulas for regularizing slowly decaying and oscillatory Cauchy and Hilbert transforms, Analysis and Applications, 12 (2014), no. 4, 369–384.

11. Olver S, Trogdon T
Sheehan Olver and Thomas Trogdon: Nonlinear Steepest Descent and Numerical Solution of Riemann--Hilbert Problems, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67 (2014), no. 8, 1353–1389.

12. Olver S, Trogdon T
S Olver and T Trogdon: Numerical Solution of Riemann-Hilbert Problems: Random Matrix Theory and Orthogonal Polynomials, Constructive Approximation, 39 (2014), no. 1, 101–149.

13. Olver S, Townsend A
Sheehan Olver and Alex Townsend: A Fast and Well-Conditioned Spectral Method, SIAM Review, 55 (2013), no. 3, 462–489.

14. Trogdon T, Olver S
T. Trogdon and S. Olver: Numerical inverse scattering for the focusing and defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469 (2013), 20120330.

15. Claeys T, Olver S
T Claeys and S Olver: Numerical study of higher order analogues of the Tracy--Widom distribution, Recent Advances in Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions, and Their Applications, Contemporary Mathematics 578, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, (2012), 83–98. ISBN 978-0-8218-6896-6. MR2964140

16. Huybrechs D, Olver S
Huybrechs, D. and Olver, S.: Superinterpolation in highly oscillatory quadrature, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 12 (2012), 203–228. MR2898782

17. Olver S
Sheehan Olver: A general framework for solving Riemann--Hilbert problems numerically, Numerische Mathematik, 122 (2012), no. 2, 305–340. MR2969270

18. Trogdon T, Olver S, Deconinck B
Thomas Trogdon, Sheehan Olver, Bernard Deconinck: Numerical inverse scattering for the Korteweg--de Vries and modified Korteweg--de Vries equations, Physica D, 241 (2012), no. 11, 1003–1025. MR2911720

19. Olver S
Olver, S.: Computing the Hilbert transform and its inverse, Mathematics of Computation, 80 (2011), 1745–1767.

20. Olver S
Olver, S.: Numerical solution of Riemann-Hilbert problems: Painlevé II, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 11 (2011), 153–179.

21. Olver S
Olver, S.: Computation of equilibrium measures, Journal of Approximation Theory, 163 (2011), 1185–1207.

22. Olver S
Olver, S.: Shifted GMRES for oscillatory integrals, Numerische Mathematik, 114 (2010), 607–628.

23. Olver S
Olver, S.: Fast, numerically stable computation of oscillatory integrals with stationary points, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 50 (2010), 149–171.

24. Olver S
Olver, S.: On the convergence rate of a modified Fourier series, Mathematics of Computation, 78 (2009), 1629–1645.

25. Olver S
Olver, S.: GMRES for the differentiation operator, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 47 (2009), 3359–3373.

26. Olver S
Olver, S.: Numerical approximation of vector-valued highly oscillatory integrals, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 47 (2007), 637–655.

27. Olver S
Olver, S.: Moment-free numerical approximation of highly oscillatory integrals with stationary points, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 18 (2007), 435–447.

28. Olver S
Olver, S.: Moment-free numerical integration of highly oscillatory functions, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 26 (2006), 213–227.

29. Olver S
Olver, S.: On the quadrature of multivariate highly oscillatory integrals over non-polytope domains, Numerische Mathematik, 103 (2006), 643–665.

Number of matches: 29