


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips: Effects of anisotropic turbulent thermal diffusion on spherical magnetoconvection in the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 276 (2017), 54–89.

2. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers: Axisymmetric, antidynamo theory for no generation of azimuthal electromotive force from an azimuthal magnetic field: The axisymmetric, alpha-phi-phi, antidynamo theorem, (2023), preprint.

3. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D J Ivers and C G Phillips: Homogeneous planar and two-dimensional mean-field antidynamo theorems with zero mean flow, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 108 (2014), no. 6, 716–733.

4. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C G Phillips and D J Ivers: From isotropic to rapidly rotating anisotropic alpha-squared dynamos, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 108 (2014), no. 1, 60–82.

5. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips,: Homogeneous planar and two-dimensional mean-field antidynamo theorems with zero mean flow, (2013), preprint.

6. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
DJ Ivers, CG Phillips: Anisotropic turbulent thermal diffusion and thermal convection in a rapidly rotating fluid sphere, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 190-191 (2011), 1–9.

7. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D. J. Ivers, C. G. Phillips: Scalar and vector spherical harmonic spectral equations of rotating non-linear and linearised magnetohydrodynamics, (2006), preprint.

8. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C G Phillips, D J Ivers: Spherical magnetic instabilities in the earth's core and equatorial symmetries, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 153 (2005), 83–100.

9. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
Phillips CG, Ivers DJ: Strong field anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 140 (2003), 13–28.

10. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
Ivers DJ, Phillips CG: A vector spherical harmonic spectral code for linearised magnetohydrodynamics, ANZIAM Journal, 44(E) (2003), C423–C442.

11. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
Phillips CG, Ivers DJ: Spectral interactions of rapidly-rotating anisotropic turbulent viscous and thermal diffusion in the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 128 (2001), 93–107.

12. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips: Dynamo problems in spherical and nearly spherical geometries, Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge, P. Chossat, D Armbruster and I. Oprea (eds.), Nato Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, (2001), 207–215. ISBN 0-7923-7069-4 (HB). MR1864567

13. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers: Spherical anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 117 (2000), 209–223.

14. Phillips CG
Phillips CG: Mean dynamos, The University of Sydney, (1993),

15. Dudley ML, James RW, Phillips CG
Dudley ML, James RW, Phillips CG: Bounds on the infimum decay rate for axisymmetric incompressible dynamos, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 35 (1986), 373–378. 87i:76059

Number of matches: 15