


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Phipps MC, Byron PM
Mary C Phipps and Peter M Byron: A filter for "confidence interval P-values", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007), no. 12, 6435–6446. MR2408605

2. Phipps MC, Byron PM
Mary C Phipps and Peter M Byron: On restricting the supremum search for unconditional \(P\)-values, Proceedings of the Sixth Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2007 Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, Andrew Burge (ed.), HICS, Hawaii, (2007), 1037–1052.

3. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Exact tests and quasi-exact alternatives, Mathematical Scientist, 30 (2005), 125–133. MR2185369

4. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Lancaster, Liebermeister and quasi-exact measures, Proceedings of the 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, The 2004 Workshop on Research Methods: Statistics and Finance, Eric J Beh, Robert G Clark, J C W Rayner (eds.), University of Wollongong, Wollongong, (2005), 21–30. ISBN 1 74128 107 5.

5. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Inequalities between hypergeometric tails, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 7 (2003), no. 3, 165–174. 2004f:60044

6. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Liebermeister's quasi-exact test for two binomials, Proceedings of the 2003 Hawaii International conference on statistics and related fields, Second Hawaii International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields, T. Gregson and D. Yang (eds.), University of Hawaii, West Oahu, Hawaii, (2003), 1–10.

7. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M C Phipps, M P Quine: A Primer of Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Sydney, (2001), 154. ISBN 1 74009 626 6.

8. Seneta E, Phipps MC
Eugene Seneta, Mary Phipps: On the comparison of two observed frequencies, Biometrical Journal, 43 (2001), no. 1, 23–43. 2002a:62018

9. Phipps MC, Hadzi-Pavlovic D
Mary Phipps, Dusan Hadzi-Pavlovic: Meaningful categories, Health Research, Oxford University Press, Victoria, Australia, (2001), 95–128. ISBN 0 19 551218 9.

10. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Exact tests and the mid-p, VIII International Scientific Krauchuck Conference, 8th International Scientific Krauchuk Conference, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, (2000), 471–475. ISBN 5 7707 2384 X.

11. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Power surfaces, Mathematical Scientist, 25 (2000), 1–5.

12. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Power surfaces, ISI99, 52nd Session, ISI 99, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, Helsinki, Finland, (1999), 123–124. ISBN 90-73592-16-X.

13. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M C Phipps and M P Quine: A Primer of Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference, Prentice Hall, Sydney, Australia, (1998), 147. ISBN 0 7248 0961 9.

14. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Randomised \(P\)-values for discrete distributions, Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, Seventh International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, N/A (ed.), N/A, "Vipol", Kyiv, (1998), 501–502. ISBN 5 8238 05 78 0.

15. Phipps MC
M C Phipps: Small samples and the tilted bootstrap, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 3 (1997), no. 19, 355–362.

16. Phipps MC
Mary C. Phipps: The existence of an efficient estimator, Mathematical Scientist, 21 (1996), 129–131. 97g:62036

17. Phipps MC, Robinson J
Mary C. Phipps, John Robinson: Non-randomness in time-ordered neurobiological data, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 2 (1996), 234–240.

18. Phipps MC, Quine MP
M.C.Phipps, M.P.Quine: A Primer of Statistics, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, NSW Australia, (1996), iv + 141pp. ISBN 0 7248 0946 5.

19. Phipps MC
Mary C. Phipps: Power surfaces, (1996), preprint.

20. Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, Karunanithi S, Lin YQ, Cottee L
Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, Karunanithi S, Lin YQ, Cottee L: Quantal components of spontaneous potentials at visualised varicosities, Journal of Autonomic Nervous System, 56 (1996), 161–174.

21. Karunathi S, Phipps MC, Robinson J, Bennett MR
S Karunanithi, MC Phipps, J Robinson and MR Bennett: Statistics of quantal secretion during long trains of sympathetic nerve impulses in mouse vas deferens, Journal of Physiology, 489 (1995), 171–181.

22. Phipps MC, Quine MP
Phipps MC, Quine MP: A Primer of Statistics, Prentice-Hall Australia, (1995), ISBN 0 7248 0936 8.

23. Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC
Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, et al: Spontaneous quantal secretions from single synaptic varicosities, Proceedings Australian Neuroscience Society, Neuroscience (Canberra 1994), 5 (1994),

24. Phipps MC
Phipps MC: Probability and Distribution Theory for Mathematical Statistics 2, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, (1993),

25. Phipps MC, Quine MP
Phipps MC, Quine MP: Statistics for First Year Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, (1992), 71 pages.

26. Phipps MC
Phipps MC: Report on the statistical methods used in the 1973 IMS morbidity survey, (Private circulation) (1973), 1–22.

27. Phipps MC
Phipps MC: An identity in Hermite polynomials, Biometrika, 58 (1971), 219–222.

28. Phipps MC
Phipps MC: Representation of one orthonormal set in terms of another, Biometrika, 57 (1970), 445–450.

Number of matches: 28