


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Plaza RG

1. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher KRT Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller and Ramón G Plaza: On the Spectral and Modulational Stability of Periodic Wavetrains for Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (New Series), 47 (2016), no. 2, 417–429. MR3514411

2. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher K R T Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller, Ramón G Plaza: On the stability analysis of periodic sine--Gordon traveling waves, Physica D, 251 (2013), 63–74.

3. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD, Plaza RG
Christopher K R TJones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller, Ramón G Plaza: On the stability analysis of periodic sine--Gordon traveling waves, Physica D, 251 (2013), 63–74.

Number of matches: 3