


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Poznanski RR

1. Poznanski RR, Peiris MS
Roman R. Poznanski and M. Shelton Peiris: Subthreshold response to white-noise current input in a tapering cable model of a neuron, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied In Medicine and Biology, 13 (1996), 207–222.

2. Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR: Electrotonic coupling between two CA3 hyppocampal pyramidal neurons: a distributed cable model with somatic gap-junction, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 57 (1995), 865–881.

3. Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR: Electrotonic coupling between two CA3 hippocampal neurons: a distributed cable model with somatic gap-junction, Australian Neuroscience 14th Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 5 (1994), 145.

4. Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR: Quantal secretion from varicosities in a smooth muscle system: analytical solution to the problem of current flow and potential, Australian Neuroscience Society Conference, Melbourne, February, 1993, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 4 (1993), 74.

5. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR: Extracellular current flow and potential during quantal transmission from varicosities in a smooth muscle syncytium, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, B342 (1993), 89–99.

6. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR: Extracellular current flow and potential during quantal transmission from varicosities in a smooth muscle syncytium, Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society Meeting, Sydney (September, 1992), Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 23 (1992), 183P.

7. Poznanski RR
Poznanski RR: Modelling the electrotonic structure of starburst amacrine cells in the rabbit retina: a functional interpretation of dendritic morphology, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 54 (1992), 905–928.

Number of matches: 7