


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Roberts AL

1. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB: Identification and Use of Theoretical Frameworks for a Qualitative Understanding of Mathematics Transfer, CAL-laborate International, 17 (2009), no. 1, 1 – 14.

2. Britton S, New PB, Roberts AL, Sharma MD
Sandra Britton, Peter New, Andrew Roberts and Manjula Sharma: Investigating students' ability to transfer mathematics, Transforming a University. The scholarship of teaching and learning in practice., Sydney University Press, Sydney Australia, (2007), 127–140. ISBN 978-920898-28-1.

3. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
A.L.Roberts, M.D.Sharma, S.Britton, P.B.New: An index to measure the ability of first year science students to transfer mathematics, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38 (2007), no. 4, 429–448.

4. Roberts AL, New PB, Sharma MD, Britton S
Andrew Roberts, Peter New, Manjula Sharma, Sandra Britton: New teaching for new students in a new context: pushing the boundaries in first year science, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney (eds.), Institue for Teaching and Learning, University of Sydney, Sydney Australia, (2005), 279. ISBN 0 908557 64 7.

5. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
A.L.Roberts, M.D.Sharma, S.Britton, P.B.New: Mathematics Transfer of First Year Science Students, Proceedings of the 16th Australian Institute of Physics Congress 2005, Australian Institute of Physics 16th Biennial Congress 2005, Max Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra Australia, (2005), 140–144. ISBN 0-9598064-8-2.

Number of matches: 5