


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Spiers H

1. Fowler PW, Wright C, Spiers H, Zhu T, Baeten EML, Hoosdally SW, Gibertoni Cruz AL, Roohi A, Kouchaki S, Walker TM, Peto TEA, Miller G, Lintott C, Clifton D, Crook DW, Walker AS, Barilar I, Battaglia S, Borroni E, Brandao AP, Brankin A, Cabibbe AM, Carter J, Chetty D, Cirillo DM, Claxton P, Cohen T, Coronel J, Dreyer V, Earle SG, Escuyer V, Ferrazoli L, Gao GF, Gardy J, Gharbia S, Ghisi KT, Ghodousi A, Grandjean L, Grazian C, Groenheit R, Guthrie JL, He W, Hoffmann H, Hunt M, Iqbal Z, Ismail NA, Jarrett L, Joseph L, Jou R, Kambli P, Khot R, Knaggs J, Koch A, Kohlerschmidt D, Lachapelle AS, Lalvani A, Lapierre SG, Laurenson IF, Letcher B, Lin WH, Liu C, Liu D, Malone KM, Mandal A, Mansj M, Matias D, Meintjes G, Mendes FdF, Merker M, Mihalic M, Millard J, Miotto P, Mistry N, Moore D, Musser KA, Ngcamu D, Nhung HN, Niemann S, Nilgiriwala KS, Nimmo C, O'Donnell M, Okozi N, Oliveira RS, Omar SV, Paton N, Pinhata JMW, Plesnik S, Puyen ZM, Rabodoarivelo MS, Rakotosamimanana N, Rancoita PMV, Rathod P, Robinson E, Rodger G, Rodrigues C, Rodwell TC, Santos-Lazaro D, Shah S, Kohl TA, Smith G, Solano W, Spitaleri A, Supply P, Steyn AJC, Surve U, Tahseen S, Thuong NTT, Thwaites G, Todt K, Trovato A, Utpatel C, Van Rie A, Vijay S, Warren R, Werngren J, Wijkander M, Wilkinson RJ, Wilson DJ, Wintringer P, Xiao YX, Yang Y, Yanlin Z, Yao SY, Zhu B
Philip W Fowler, Carla Wright, Helen Spiers, Tingting Zhu, Elisabeth ML Baeten, Sarah W Hoosdally, Ana L Gibertoni Cruz, Aysha Roohi, Samaneh Kouchaki, Timothy M Walker, Timothy EA Peto, Grant Miller, Chris Lintott, David Clifton, Derrick W Crook, A Sarah Walker, The Zooniverse Volunteer Community, The CRyPTIC Consortium: A crowd of BashTheBug volunteers reproducibly and accurately measure the minimum inhibitory concentrations of 13 antitubercular drugs from photographs of 96-well broth microdilution plates, ELife, 75046 (2022), 1.

Number of matches: 1