


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Springer TA

1. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: Reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (1999), 1175–1193. 2001f:20082

2. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: Intersection multiplicities and reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups I, Proceedings of a special year in Geometric Group Theory, The International Conference on Geometric Group Theory, John Cossey, Charles F Miller III, Walter D Neumann, Michael Shapiro (eds.), Geometric Group Theory Down Under, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, (1999), 181–193. ISBN 3-11-016366-7. 2000i:20064

3. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: A note concerning fixed points of parabolic subgroups of unitary reflection groups, Indagationes Mathematicae, 10 (1999), 549–553. 2001m:14071

Number of matches: 3