


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Stening RJ

1. Stening RJ, Winch DE
R J Stening and D E Winch: The ionospheric Sq current system obtained by spherical harmonic analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118 (2013), no. 3, 1288–1297.

2. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jonathan Turner, Denis Winch: Spherical cap harmonic analysis of magnetic variations data from mainland Australia, Earth, Planets and Space, 60 (2008), 1177–1186.

3. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
J P R Turner, D E Winch, D J Ivers and R J Stening: Regular daily variations in satellite magnetic total intensity data, Annales Geophysicae, 25 (2007), 2167–2174.

4. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jon Turner and Denis Winch: A critique of methods of determining the position of the focus of the Sq current system, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (2005), 1–9.

5. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
R Stening, T Reztsova, D Ivers, J Turner and D Winch: Morning quiet-time ionospheric current reversal at mid to high latitudes, Annales Geophysicae, 23 (2005), 385–391.

6. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Geomagnetism and Schmidt quasi-normalization, Geophysical Journal International, 160 (2005), 487–504.

7. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
Jon Turner, Denis Winch, David Ivers, Robert Stening: Analysis of satellite magnetic data, Exploration Geophysics, 36 (2005), 317–321.

8. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ: Satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic daily variations, Proceedings of the National Space Society of Australia Third Australian Space science Workshop, Third Australian Space Science Workshop, Wayne Short (ed.), National space society of Australia, Sydney, (2003), 1–13.

9. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE: Equatorial electrojet from Oersted scalar magnetic field observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (2003), 1061 doi:10.1029/2002JA009310.

10. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: The dynamics of the equatorial electrojet, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 197–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

11. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: SQ and L at satellite altitudes, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 193–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

12. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Schmidt Quasi-normalization, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 45–48. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

13. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
D J Ivers, R J Stening, J Turner, and D E Winch: Orsted and Magsat scalar anomaly fields, Earth Planets Space, 52 (2000), 1213–1225.

14. Stening RJ, Winch DE
Stening RJ, Winch DE: Night-time geomagnetic variations at low latitudes, Planet. Space Sci., 12 (1987), 1523–1539.

15. Stening RJ, Winch DE
Stening RJ, Winch DE: The lunar geomagnetic tide at night, Geophysics Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 88 (1987), 461–476.

Number of matches: 15