


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Ormerod JT, Stewart M, Yu W, Romanes SE
J T Ormerod, M Stewart, W Yu and S E Romanes: Bayesian hypothesis tests with diffuse priors: Can we have our cake and eat it too?, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 66 (2024), no. 2, 204–227.

2. Chen Q, Stewart M
Qikun Chen, Michael Stewart: Optimal detection of sparse gamma scale admixture with twice the null mean, Statistics and Probability Letters, 209 (2024), Article 110083 (6 pages).

3. Stewart M
Michael I. Stewart: Detection boundary for a sparse gamma scale mixture model, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 64 (2022), no. 2, 282–296.

4. Fitzpatrick M, Stewart M
Matthew Fitzpatrick and Michael I. Stewart: Asymptotics for Markov chain mixture detection, Econometrics and Statistics, The 2nd Special issue on Mixture Models (2022), no. 22, 56–66.

5. Yu W, Ormerod JT, Stewart M
Weichang Yu, John T. Ormerod and Michael Stewart: Variational discriminant analysis with variable selection, Statistics and Computing, 30 (2020), no. 4, 933–951. MR4108685

6. Porter P, Stewart M
Thomas Porter and Michael Stewart: Beyond HC: More sensitive tests for rare/weak alternatives, Annals of Statistics, 48 (2020), no. 4, 2230–2252.

7. Chapman S, Stewart M, Alpers P, Jones M
Simon Chapman, Michael Stewart, Philip Alpers, Michael Jones: Fatal firearm incidents before and after Australia's 1996 national firearms agreement banning semiautomatic rifles, Annals of Internal Medicine, 169 (2018), no. 1, 62–64.

8. Midgly DJ, McGee PA, Stewart M, Saliba JA
David J Midgly, Peter A McGee, Michael I Stewart, and Jennifer A Saliba: Diverse assemblages of ascomycetus fungi occur in woodland, grassland and cropping-soils of northern-central New South Wales, Australia, Australasian Mycologist, 29 (2011), 29–36.

9. Cule M, Samworth R, Stewart M
Madeleine Cule, Richard Samworth and Michael Stewart: Maximum likelihood estimation of a multi-dimensional log-concave density, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 72 (2010), no. 5, 545–607.

10. Raimondo M, Stewart M
Marc Raimondo and Michael Stewart: The WaveD Transform in R: performs fast translation-invariant wavelet deconvolution., (2007), preprint.

11. Britton S, Daners D, Stewart M
Sandra Britton, Daniel Daners and Michael Stewart: A self-assessment test for incoming students, International journal of mathematical education in science and technology, 38 (2007), no. 7, 861–868.

12. Midgley DJ, Saleeba JA, Stewart M, Gee PAM
DJ Midgley, JA Saleeba, MI Stewart, PA McGee: Novel soil lineages of Archaea are present in semi-arid soils of eastern Australia, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 53 (2007), no. 1, 129–138.

13. Midgley DJ, Saleeba JA, Stewart M, Simpson AE, Gee PAM
DJ Midgley, JA Saleeba, MI Stewart, AE Simpson, PA McGee: Molecular diversity of soil basidiomycete communities in northern-central New South Wales, Australia, Mycological Research, 111 (2007), no. 3, 370–378.

14. Raimondo M, Stewart M
Marc Raimondo and Michael I. Stewart: The WaveD transform in R: performs fast translation-invariant wavelet deconvolution, Journal of Statistical Software, 21 (2007), no. 3, 1–27.

15. Aghmesheh M, Suo Z, Friedlander M, Nesland JM, Kaern J, Stewart M, KConFab, Dorum A, Tucker KM, Buckley MF
Morteza Aghmesheh, Zhenhe Suo, Michael Friedlander, Jahn M Nesland, Janne Kaern, Michael Stewart, KConFab, Anne Dorum, Katherine M Tucker, Michael F Buckley: Chromosome 2q24.2 is lost in sporadic but not in BRCA1-associated ovarian carcinomas, Pathology, 38 (2006), no. 2, 145–151.

16. Hall P, Stewart M
Peter Hall, Michael Stewart: Theoretical analysis of power in a two-component normal mixture model, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 134 (2005), 158–179. MR2146091

17. Stewart M, Robinson J
Michael Stewart, John Robinson: Extremes of normed empirical moment generating function processes, Extremes, 6 (2005), 319–333.

18. Bridges JFP, Stewart M, King MT, van Gool K
J.F.P. Bridges, M. Stewart, M.T. King, K. van Gool: Adapting portfolio theory for the evaluation of multiple investments in health with a multiplicative extension for treatment synergies, European Journal of Health Economics, 3 (2002), 47–53.

19. Chiu SN, Quine MP, Stewart M
Chiu, S. N., Quine, M. P. and Stewart, M.: Nonparametric and parametric estimation for a linear birth-growth model, Biometrics, 56 (2000), 755–760.

Number of matches: 19