


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Fieker C, Sutherland N
Claus Fieker, Nicole Sutherland: Computing splitting fields using Galois theory and other Galois constructions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 116 (2023), no. May-June 2023, 243–262.

2. Manzateanu A, Newton R, Ozman E, Sutherland N, Uysal RG
Adelina Mânzăţeanu, Rachel Newton, Ekin Ozman, Nicole Sutherland & Rabia Gülşah Uysal: The Hasse norm principle in global function fields, Women in Numbers Europe III: Research Directions in Number Theory, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, (2021), 275–290. ISBN 978-3-030-77699-2.

3. Krumm D, Sutherland N
David Krumm and Nicole Sutherland: Galois groups over rational function fields and Explicit Hilbert Irreducibility, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 103 (2021), 108–126.

4. Booker AR, Cohen SD, Sutherland N, Trudgian T
Andrew R. Booker, Stephen D. Cohen, Nicole Sutherland and Tim Trudgian: Primitive values of quadratic polynomials in a finite field, Math. Comp., 88 (2019), no. 318, 1903–1912.

5. Bailey G, Cohen SD, Sutherland N, Trudgian T
Geoff Bailey, Stephen D Cohen, Nicole Sutherland,Tim Trudgian: Existence results for primitive elements in cubic and quartic extensions of a finite field, Mathematics of Computation, 88 (2019), no. 316, 931–947. MR3882289

6. Cohen SD, Oliveira e Silva T, Sutherland N, Trudgian T
Stephen D Cohen, Tomas Oliveira e Silva, Nicole Sutherland, Tim Trudgian: Linear combinations of primitive elements of a finite field, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 51 (2018), no. 3, 388–406.

7. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Algorithms for Galois Extensions of Global Function Fields, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 93 (2016), no. 3, 513–515.

8. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Efficient Computation of Maximal Orders in Artin-Schreier-Witt Extensions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 77 (2016), 189–216. MR3490466

9. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Computing Galois groups of polynomials (especially over function fields of prime characteristic), Journal of Symbolic Computation, 71 (2015), 73–97.

10. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Efficient Computation of Maximal Orders in Artin-Schreier Extensions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 53 (2013), no. 1, 26–39.

11. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Efficient computation of maximal orders in radical (including Kummer) extensions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012), no. 6, 552–567. MR2908580

Number of matches: 11