


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Zheng J, Zhou W, Taylor DE
Jiwei Zheng, Wei Zhou and D. E. Taylor: Groups with few nonpower subgroups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, online (2023), 1–12.

2. Muraleedaran K, Taylor DE
Krishnasamy Muraleedaran, D. E. Taylor: Normalisers of parabolic subgroups in finite unitary reflection groups, Journal of Algebra, 504 (2018), 479–505.

3. Taylor DE
D. E. Taylor: Reflection subgroups of finite complex reflection groups, Journal of Algebra, 366 (2012), 218–234. MR2942652

4. Lehrer GI, Taylor DE
Gustav I. Lehrer and Donald E. Taylor: Unitary reflection groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, 20, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2009), 294. ISBN 978-0-521-74989-3. MR2542964

5. Muraleedaran K, Taylor DE
Krishnasamy Muraleedaran and D. E. Taylor: Embeddings of complex line systems and finite reflection groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 85 (2008), no. 2, 211–228. MR2470539

6. Abelson D, Hong SH, Taylor DE
David Abelson, Seok-Hee Hong and D E Taylor: Geometric automorphism groups of graphs, Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 155 (2007), no. 17, 2211–2226. MR2360651

7. Cohen AM, Taylor DE
Arjeh M. Cohen and D. E. Taylor: On a certain Lie algebra defined by a finite group, American Mathematical Monthly, 114 (2007), no. 7, 633–639. MR2341327

8. Cohen AM, Taylor DE
Arjeh M. Cohen and D. E. Taylor: On a certain Lie algebra defined by a finite group, (2006), preprint.

9. Taylor DE
D. E. Taylor: Constructing the split octonions, Discovering Mathematics with Magma. Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete, Wieb Bosma and John Cannon (eds.), Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 19 Springer, Berlin, (2006), 161–185. ISBN 3-540-37632-1. MR2278927

10. Taylor DE
Don Taylor: Firmness, Commodity and Delight, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 32 (2005), no. 5, 298–301.

11. Cohen AM, Murray SH, Taylor DE
Arjeh Cohen, Scott Murray and D. E. Taylor: Computing in groups of Lie type, Mathematics of Computation, 73 (2004), 1477–1498. MR2047097

12. Abelson D, Hong SH, Taylor DE
David Abelson, Seok-Hee Hong and Donald E. Taylor: A group-theoretic method for drawing graphs symmetrically, Graph Drawing, 10th International Symposium, GD 2002, Michael T. Goodrich and Stephen G. Kobourov (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, (2002), 86–97. ISBN 3-540-00158-1. MR2063414

13. Howlett RB, Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
R. B. Howlett, L. J. Rylands and D. E. Taylor: Matrix generators for exceptional groups of Lie type, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 31 (2001), 429–445. 2002c:20078

14. Combe D, Taylor DE
D. Combe and D. E. Taylor: Two results concerning distance-regular directed graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 23 (2001), 27–36. 2001k:05208

15. Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
L.J. Rylands and D.E. Taylor: Constructions for octonion and exceptional Jordan algebras, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 21 (2000), 191–203. 2001m:17022

16. Ram A, Taylor DE
Arun Ram and D. E. Taylor: Explicit irreducible representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type \(F_4\), Manuscripta Mathematica, 99 (1999), 13–37. 2000i:20010

17. Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
L.J. Rylands and D.E. Taylor: Matrix generators for the orthogonal groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 25 (1998), 351–360. 99d:20078

18. Howlett RB, Rowley PJ, Taylor DE
R.B. Howlett, P.J. Rowley and D.E. Taylor: On outer automorphism groups of Coxeter groups, Manuscripta Mathematica, 93 (1997), 499–513. 98j:20056

19. Howlett RB, Rowley PJ, Taylor DE
R.B. Howlett, P.J. Rowley and D.E. Taylor: On Outer Automorphism Groups of Coxeter Groups, (1996), preprint.

20. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: The Klein correspondence and half-spin spaces, Algebraic Combinatorics and Related Topics, (1994),

21. Taylor DE, Xu M-Y
Taylor DE, Xu M-Y: Vertex primitive 1/2-transitive graphs, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 56 (1994), 1–14.

22. Choo KG, Taylor DE
Choo KG, Taylor DE: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, (1994), ix + 148. ISBN 0 582 80055 2.

23. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: The Klein correspondence and half-spin spaces, Australian Mathematical Society 36th Annual Meeting, Perth, July 1992, (1992),

24. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Linear versions of the Klein correspondence, Miniconference on Group Theory, Australian National University, August 1992, (1992),

25. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Two-graphs and doubly transitive groups, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 61 (1992), 113–122. MR1178388

26. Bergeron F, Bergeron N, Howlett RB, Taylor DE
Bergeron F, Bergeron N, Howlett RB, Taylor DE: A decomposition of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 1 (1992), 23–44. 93g:20079

27. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: The Geometry of the Classical Groups, Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics, Heldermann Verlag, Berlin, 9 (1992), 239pp. ISBN 3-88538-009-9. 94d:20028

28. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Modules for Solomon Algebras, 35th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, (1991),

29. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Distance-regular graphs and doubly-transitive groups, International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, Vladimir, Ivanov AA, Klin M eds (eds.), (1991),

30. Taylor DE, Xu M-Y
Taylor DE, Xu M-Y: Vertex-primitive \(1\over 2\)-transitive graphs, (1991), preprint.

31. Choo KG, Taylor DE
Choo KG, Taylor DE: Lectures on Discrete Mathematics, (1990),

32. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Solomon algebras, 16th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computing, Massey University, New Zealand, December 2--7 1990, (1990),

33. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Two graphs and doubly transitive groups, Eighth Annual Algebra Conference of Victoria, Melbourne. September 27 and 28 1990, (1990),

34. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: A natural proof of the cyclotomic identity, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 42 (1990), 185–189. 92g:05021

35. Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
Rylands LJ, Taylor DE: Rubik's Clock, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 16 (1989), 3–6. MR0992513

36. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Combinatorial interpretation of Witt vectors, Sixth Annual Algebra Conference of Victoria, (1988),

37. Kantor WM, Taylor DE
Kantor WM, Taylor DE: Polynomial-time versions of Sylow's theorem, Journal of Algorithms, 9 (1988), 1–17. 89h:20004

38. Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
Rylands LJ, Taylor DE: Mastering Rubik's Clock, Simon & Schuster, (1988),

39. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: A species proof of the cyclotomic identity, Australian National Mathematical Sciences Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 1988, (1988),

40. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Puzzles, groups and groupoids, Reflections, 12 (1987), 150–156.

41. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Pairs of generators for matrix groups I, The Cayley Bulletin, 3 (1987), 76–85.

42. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Species and permutation groups, International Conference on Finite Geometry and Combinatorics, Deinze, Belgium, (1986),

43. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: A species approach to enumeration problems, Australian Mathematical Society 30th Annual Meeting, Perth 1986, (1986),

44. Taylor DE, Wehrhahn KH
Taylor DE, Wehrhahn KH: Lectures on Enumeration, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, (1986),

45. Cameron PJ, Taylor DE
Cameron PJ, Taylor DE: Stirling numbers and affine equivalence, Ars Combinatoria, 20B (1985), 3–14. 87e:05007

46. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Macro Generation in FORTH, FORTH Dimensions, 7 (1985), 27–28.

47. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: From Rainbows to Rings: A History of the Idea of the Spectrum, Fourier Techniques and Applications, John F. Price (ed.), Plenum Press, (1985), 221–224. 86i:94004

48. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Review of ``The Mind's Eye'' by D. Hofstadter, Sydney Morning Herald, (1981),

49. Seidel JJ, Taylor DE
Seidel JJ, Taylor DE: Two-graphs, a second survey, Algebraic Methods in Graph Theory, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, 25 (1981), 689–711. 83f:05070

50. Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
Rylands LJ, Taylor DE: Cube Games, Greenhouse Publications, Melbourne; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; etc, (1981),

51. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Mastering Rubik's Cube, Book Marketing Australia, Melbourne; Penguin, London; etc, (1980),

52. Levingston RW, Taylor DE
Levingston RW, Taylor DE: Distance-regular graphs, Proc. Internat. Conf. Combinatorial Theory, Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra, 1977, Combinatorial mathematics, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 686 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1978), 313–323. 80i:05077

53. Monro GP, Taylor DE
Monro GP, Taylor DE: On multiply transitive groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 26 (1978), 57–58. 80c:20005

54. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: The geometry of the Klein quadric, Classical Groups, Higman DG (ed.), T.H. Report 78--WSK--04, (1978), 21pp.

55. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Groups whose modular group rings have soluble unit groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 573 Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1977), 112–117. 56:15746

56. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Regular 2-graphs, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series, 35 (1977), 257–274. 57:16147

57. Levingston RW, Taylor DE
Levingston RW, Taylor DE: The theorem of Marggraff on primitive permutation groups which contain a cycle, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 5 (1976), 125–128. 54:12870

58. Pearson KR, Taylor DE
Pearson KR, Taylor DE: Groups subnormal in the units of their modular group rings, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series, 3 (1976), 313–328. 55:13134

59. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Unitary block designs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 16 (1974), 51–56. 48:12270

60. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Some classical theorems on division rings, L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale. IIe Série, 20 (1974), 293–298. 50:13134

61. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: On the normal structure of the unit group of a group ring, Abstracts of Communications. International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver, (1974), 169.

62. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Graphs and block designs associated with the three-dimensional unitary groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 403 Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1974), 128–131. 51:12596

63. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: Monomial representations and strong graphs, Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics. 1972, (1972), 197–201. 52:177

64. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: A characterization of the group Aut(PGL(3,4)), Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 11 (1970), 195–206. 42:360

Number of matches: 64