


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Tiew CS

1. Ng KH, Peiris MS, Lai SY, Tiew CS
K.H.Ng, S.Peiris, S.Y.Lai, C.S.Tiew: Efficient Estimation of ACD Models Using Estimating Functions, Proceedings of the International Statistics Conference 2011: Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Modern World, Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Modern World, S.Peiris, S.G.Banneheka, C.D.Tilakaratne, T.B.Swartz, S. Ganesalingam (eds.), Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (2011), 122–134. ISBN 978-955-0056-01-9.

Number of matches: 1