


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Vere-Jones D

1. Merrifield A, Savage MK, Vere-Jones D
Merrifield, A., Savage, M.K. and Vere-Jones, D.: Geographical distributions of prospective foreshock probabilities in New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47 (2004), 327–339.

2. Fahady KS, Quine MP, Vere-Jones D
Fahady KS, Quine MP, Vere-Jones D: Heavy traffic approximations for the Galton-Watson process, Advances in Applied Probability, 3 (1971), 282–300. 44:6053

3. Seneta E, Vere-Jones D
Seneta E, Vere-Jones D: On a problem of M. Jiřina concerning continuous state branching processes, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 19 (1969), 277–283. 39:7683

4. Seneta E, Vere-Jones D
Seneta E, Vere-Jones D: On the asymptotic behaviour of subcritical branching processes with continuous state-space, Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 10 (1968), 212–225. MR0239667

5. Heathcote CR, Seneta E, Vere-Jones D
Heathcote CR, Seneta E, Vere-Jones D: A refinement of two theorems in the theory of branching processes, Teoria Veroiatnostei i ee Primenenia, 12 (1967), 341–346. MR0217889

6. Seneta E, Vere-Jones D
Seneta E, Vere-Jones D: On quasi-stationary distributions in discrete-time Markov chains with a denumerable infinity of states, Journal of Applied Probability, 3 (1966), 403–434. 34:6863

Number of matches: 6