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  • Author = Wickham S

1. Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Vukusic P
Shelley Wickham, Leon Poladian, Maryanne Large, Petwer Vukusic: Control of Iridescence in natural photonic structures: the case of butterfly scales, Optical biomimetics, Electronic and Optical Materials, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford Cambridge Philadelphia New Delhi, (2012), 240. ISBN 978-1-84569-802-7.

2. Schröder-Turk GE, Wickham S, Averdunk H, Brink F, Fitz Gerald JD, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Hyde ST
G E Schröder-Turk, S Wickham, H Averdunk, F Brink, J D Fitz Gerald, L Poladian, M C J Large, S T Hyde: The chiral structure of porous chitin within the wing-scales of Callophrys rubi, Journal of Structural Biology, 174 (2011), 290–295.

3. Poladian L, Wickham S, Lee KH, Large MCJ
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, K. Lee and M. C. J. Large: Iridescence from photonic crystals and its suppression in butterfly scales, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 3 (2009), 99–108.

4. Large MCJ, Wickham S, Hayes J, Poladian L
M C J Large, S Wickham, J Hayes and L Poladian: Insights from nature: Optical biomimetics, Physica B, 394 (2007), 229–232.

5. Wickham S, Large M, Poladian L, Jermiin LS
Shelley Wickham, Maryanne Large, Leon Poladian and Lars Jermiin: Exaggeration and suppression of iridescence: the evolution of 2-dimensional butterfly structural colours, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 3 (2006), 99–108.

6. Large M, Wickham S, Poladian L, Jermiin LS
Maryanne Large, Shelley Wickham, Leon Poladian and Lars S Jermiin: Iridescence control in low contrast biological microstructures, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (eds.), OSA and IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, (2005), 357–359.

7. Wickham S, Large M, Poladian L
S. Wickham, M. Large and L. Poladian: High resolution single-scale investigation of a 3-dimensional Butterfly Photonic Crystal, 7th Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy 2005, 7th Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy 2005, (2005), TuE4.

8. Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS
S. Wickham, L. Poladian, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin: Evolution of two-dimensional optical microstructures in butterfly scales, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, Min Gu (ed.), Melbourne, (2004), 185–186.

9. Poladian L, Wickham S, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin: Biological strategies to suppress iridescence in low-contrast 3D photonic crystals, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, Min Gu (ed.), Melbourne, (2004), 133–134.

10. Poladian L, Large M, Padden WEP, Lee KH, Wickham S, Beeton N
Leon Poladian, Maryanne Large, Whayne Padden, Kwan Hee Lee, Shelley Wickham and Nick Beeton: Is the photonic crystal in the butterflies T. imperialis and P. sesostris optimal?, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, Optical Society of America, (2004), IThL6. ISBN 1-55752-770-9.

Number of matches: 10