


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Woodbury GA
G Woodbury: Sufficient conditions for equilibrium in dynamical systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 160 (2005), 89–92. MR2100176

2. Woodbury GA, van der Zwan R, Gibson WG
Greg A. Woodbury, Rick van der Zwan, William G. Gibson: Correlation model for joint development of refined retinotopic map and ocular dominance columns, Vision Research, 42 (2002), 2295–2310.

3. Woodbury GA, Gibson WG
G.A. Woodbury, W.G. Gibson: A mathematical model of cortical receptive-field enlargement following sensory lesioning, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2002), 80.

4. Woodbury GA
Woodbury G: Correlation models for the development of ocular dominance, simple cells, and retinotopic map on the primary visual cortex, Combined Abstracts of 2000 Australian Psychology Conferences, William Noble (ed.), Australian Journal of Psychology, The Australian Psychological Society Ltd, (2001), 54.

5. Woodbury GA, Gibson WG
Greg Woodbury, Bill Gibson: Correlation model for the development of the functional architecture of the visual system, ANZIAM 2001, ANZIAM 2001: The 37th Applied Mathematics Conference, J.P. Denier and E.O. Tuck (eds.), ANZIAM, Australia, (2001), 66. ISBN 0 7259 0869 6.

6. Woodbury GA
Woodbury G A: Correlation models for the development of ocular dominance, simple cells, and retinotopic map on the primary visual cortex, Australian Journal of Psychology, The 27th Annual Experimental Psychology Conference, William Noble (ed.), Vol 52 (2000) Supplement, The Australian Psychology Society Ltd, Australia, (2000), 54.

Number of matches: 6