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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Madawala R, Banks JL, Hancock SE, Quek LE, Turner N, Wu H
Romanthi Madawala, Jasmine L Banks, Sarah E Hancock, Lake-Ee Quek, Nigel Turner and Lindsay E Wu: CD38 mediates nicotinamide mononucleotide base exchange to yield nicotinic acid mononucleotide, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 301 (2025), no. 3, 108248 (15 pages).

2. Li X, Wang K, Wu H
Xiaolong Li, Kui Wang and Haotian Wu: An upper bound for the first nonzero Steklov Eigenvalue, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 30 (2025), no. 5, 1809–1841.

3. Li X, Wang K, Wu H
Xiaolong Li, Kui Wang, Haotian Wu: On the second Robin eigenvalue of the Laplacian, Calculus of Variations, 62 (2023), Article 256 (17 pages).

4. Wang K, Wu H
Kui Wang, Haotian Wu: A quantitative Bucur–Henrot inequality, Mathematische Nachrichten, 295 (2022), no. 12, 2436–2451.

5. Isenberg J, Wu H, Zhang Z
James Isenberg, Haotian Wu and Zhou Zhang: On the precise asymptotics of Type-IIb solutions to mean curvature flow, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 9 (2022), 565–585.

6. Garfinkle D, Isenberg J, Knopf D, Wu H
David Garfinkle, James Isenberg, Dan Knopf and Haotian Wu: A numerical stability analysis of mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with type-II curvature blowup, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 9, 6539–6560.

7. Garfinkle D, Isenberg J, Knopf D, Wu H
David Garfinkle , James Isenberg, Dan Knopf and Haotian Wu: A numerical stability analysis of mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with type-II curvature blowup, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 9, 6539–6560.

8. Isenberg J, Wu H, Zhang Z
James Isenberg, Haotian Wu, Zhou Zhang: Mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with Type-II curvature blow-up. II, Advances in Mathematics, 367 (2020), Art. 107111 (44 pages).

9. Isenburg J, Wu H
James Isenberg and Haotian Wu: Mean curvature flow of noncompact hypersurfaces with Type-II curvature blow-up, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 754 (2019), Article 22500251. MR4078822

10. Aché A, Maximo D, Wu H
Antonio Aché, Davi Maximo, Haotian Wu: Metrics with nonnegative Ricci curvature on convex three-manifolds, Geometry & Topology, 20 (2016), no. 5, 2905–2922. MR3556351

11. Williams MB, Wu H
Michael Bradford Williams and Haotian Wu: Dynamical stability of algebraic Ricci solitons, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), 713 (2016), 225–243. MR3483630

12. Wu H
Haotian Wu: On Type-II singularities in Ricci flow on RN, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 39 (2014), no. 11, 2064–2090. MR3251864

13. Wu H
Haotian Wu: Stability of complex hyperbolic space under curvature-normalized Ricci flow, Geometriae Dedicata, 164 (2013), 231–258. MR3054626

14. Abedin F, Corvino J, Kapita S, Wu H
Farhan Abedin, Justin Corvino, Shelvean Kapita and Haotian Wu: On isoperimetric surfaces in general relativity. II, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 59 (2009), no. 11, 1453–1460. MR2569266

15. Corvino J, Wu H
Justin Corvino and Haotian Wu: On the center of mass of isolated systems, Classical Quantum Gravity, 25 (2008), no. 8, 085008. MR2409248

Number of matches: 15