


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Field MJ, Richardson RW
Field MJ, Richardson RW: Symmetry breaking and branching patterns in equivariant bifurcation theory II, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 120 (1992), 147–190. 93h:58111

2. Field MJ, Richardson RW
Field MJ, Richardson RW: Symmetry breaking and branching patterns in equivariant bifurcation theory I, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 118 (1992), 297–348. 93f:58166

3. Field MJ
Field MJ: Prism -- A PRogram for the Interactive Study of Maps, (1991),

4. Field MJ
Field MJ: Local structure of equivariant dynamics, Singularity Theory and its Applications, Warwick 1989, Part II, Singularity Theory and its Applications, Roberts M, Stewart I eds (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1463 Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (1991), 142–166. MR1129052

5. Field MJ, Swift JW
Field MJ, Swift JW: Static bifurcation to limit cycles and heteroclinic cycles, Nonlinearity, 4 (1991), 1001–1043. 92k:58191

6. Field MJ, Golubitsky M, Stewart IN
Field MJ, Golubitsky M, Stewart IN: Hemisphere bifurcations, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1 (1991), 201–223. 92f:58036

7. Field MJ
Field MJ: Symmetry breaking, Conference on Computational Algebra in honour of G E Wall Sydney, November 7--9 1990, (1990),

8. Field MJ, Golubitsky M
Field MJ, Golubitsky M: Symmetric Chaos, Computers in Physics, 4 (1990), 470–479.

9. Field MJ, Richardson RW
Field MJ, Richardson RW: Symmetry breaking in equivariant bifurcation problems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 22 (1990), 79–84. 90e:58017

10. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant Bifurcation Theory and Symmetry Breaking, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 1 (1989), no. 4, 369–421. 90j:58109

11. Field MJ, Richardson RW
Field MJ, Richardson RW: Symmetry breaking and the Maximal Isotropy Subgroup conjecture for reflection groups, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 105 (1989), 61–94. 89m:58153

12. Field MJ
Field MJ: New examples of symmetry breaking and the distribution of symmetry breaking isotropy types, Cornell Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop on Symmetry and Groups in Non-linear Continuum Mechanics, Cornell 1988, (1988),

13. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant dynamics, Contemporary Mathematics, 56 (1986), 69–96. MR0855085

14. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant diffeomorphisms hyperbolic transverse to a \(G\)-action, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 563–576. 85h:58094

15. Field MJ
Field MJ: Isotopy and stability of equivariant diffeomorphisms, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series, 46 (1983), 487–516. 84m:58128

16. Field MJ
Field MJ: On the structure of a class of equivariant maps, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 26 (1982), 161–180. 84c:57029

17. Field MJ
Field MJ: Handlebody decompositions for \(G\)-manifolds, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 25 (1982), 29–36. 83h:57040

18. Field MJ
Field MJ: Several Complex Variables and Complex Manifolds II, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series in Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 66 (1982), MR0651518

19. Field MJ
Field MJ: Several Complex Variables and Complex Manifolds I, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series in Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 65 (1982), MR0651518

20. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant dynamical systems, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 259 (1980), no. 1, 185–205. 82i:58037

21. Field MJ
Field MJ: Resolving actions of compact Lie groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 18 (1978), 243–254. 80c:57023

22. Cartwright DI, Field MJ
Cartwright DI, Field MJ: A refinement of the arithmetic mean--geometric mean inequality, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 71 (1978), no. 1, 36–38. 57:16516

23. Field MJ
Field MJ: Stratifications of equivariant varieties, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 16 (1977), 279–295. 58:18532

24. Field MJ
Field MJ: Transversality in \(G\)-manifolds, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 231 (1977), 429–450. 56:9563

25. Field MJ
Field MJ: Several Complex Variables, Proc. of summer school on complex analysis, IAEA, Vienna, (1976), 234–253.

26. Field MJ
Field MJ: Transversalité dans les \(G\)-variétiés, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 282 (1976), 115–117. 53:9249

27. Field MJ
Field MJ: Singularity and equivariant dynamical systems, Astérisque, 40 (1976), 67–78. MR0448433

28. Field MJ
Field MJ: Singularity theory and equivariant dynamical systems, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dynamical Systems in Mathematical Phy., Rennes, (1975), MR0462563

29. Field MJ
Field MJ: Lectures on holomorphic function theory and complex manifolds, Proc. of seminar course on Global Analysis and its Applications, IAEA, Vienna, (1974), 83–134. MR0437792

30. Field MJ
Field MJ: Sheaf cohomology, structures on manifolds and vanishing theory, Proc. of seminar course on Global Analysis and its Applications, IAEA, Vienna, (1974), 167–188. MR0466616

31. Field MJ
Field MJ: Complex analysis on Banach spaces, Proceedings of a seminar course on Global Analysis and its Applications, IAEA, Vienna, (1974), 189–192. MR0435839

32. Field MJ
Field MJ: A finiteness result on the ring of analytic functions defined on a Banach space, Studia Mathematica, 36 (1973), 17–20. 49:5393

33. Field MJ
Field MJ: Differential Calculus and its Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, (1970),

34. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant dynamical systems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, (1970), 1314–1318. 43:3583

Number of matches: 34