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Exact matches for:

1. Afsar Z, Laca M, Ramagge J, Sehnem CF
Zahra Afsar, Marcelo Laca, Jacqui Ramagge, Camila F Sehnem: Equilibrium on Toeplitz extensions of higher dimensional noncommutative tori, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 509 (2022), no. 2, Paper no. 125984, 31 pages.

2. Brownlowe N, Larsen NS, Ramagge J, Stammeier N
Nathan Brownlowe, Nadia S Larsen, Jacqui Ramagge and Nicolai Stammeier: \(C^*\)-algebras of right LCM monoids and their equilibrium states, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373 (2020), 5235–5273.

3. Praeger CE, Ramagge J, Willis GA
Cheryl E Praeger, Jacqui Ramagge and George A Willis: A graph-theoretic description of scale-multiplicative semigroups of automorphisms, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 237 (2020), no. 1, 221–265.

4. Bruce C, Laca M, Ramagge J, Sims A
Chris Bruce, Marcelo Laca, Jacqui Ramagge and Aidan Sims: Equilibrium states and growth of quasi-lattice ordered monoids, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (2019), no. 6, 2389 – 2404. MR3951419

5. Baumgartner U, Parkinson J, Ramagge J
U Baumgartner, J Parkinson, J Ramagge: Scale and tidy subgroups for Weyl-transitive automorphism groups of buildings, Journal of Algebra, 520 (2019), no. February 2019, 460–478. MR3884174

6. Laca M, Raeburn I, Ramagge J, Whittaker MF
Marcelo Laca, Iain Raeburn, Jacqui Ramagge and Michael F Whittaker: Equilibrium states on operator algebras associated to self-similar actions of groupoids on graphs, Advances in Mathematics, 31 (2018), no. 20 June 2018, 268–325.

7. Baumgartner U, Ramagge J, Willis GA
Udo Baumgartner, Jacqui Ramagge, and George A Willis: Scale-multiplicative semigroups and geometry: automorphism groups of trees, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 10 (2016), 1051–1075. MR3551189

8. Armstrong B, Fielding M, Kirk S, Ramagge J
Becky Armstrong, Mark Fielding, Stephen Kirk and Jacqui Ramagge: Factors affecting success in CHEM101 at UOW, The Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 41 (2014), no. 2, 91–98.

9. Laca M, Raeburn I, Ramagge J, Whittaker MF
Marcelo Laca, Iain Raeburn, Jacqui Ramagge, Michael F Whittaker: Equilibrium states on the Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of self-similar actions, Journal of Functional Analysis, 266 (2014), 6619–6661.

10. Brownlowe N, Ramagge J, Robertson D, Whittaker MF
Nathan Brownlowe, Jacqui Ramagge, David Robertson, Michael F Whittaker: Zappa–Szép products of semigroups and their \(C^*\)-algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis, 266 (2014), 3937–3967.

11. Laca M, Raeburn I, Ramagge J
Marcelo Laca, Iain Raeburn, Jacqui Ramagge: Phase transition on Exel crossed products associated to dilation matrices, Journal of Functional Analysis, 261 (2011), 3633–3664.

12. Baumgartner U, Laca M, Ramagge J, Willis GA
Udo Baumgartner, Marcelo Laca, Jacqui Ramagge, George Willis: Hecke algebras from groups acting on trees and HNN extensions, Journal of Algebra, 321 (2009), 3065–3088.

13. Mare J, De Doná J, Seron M, Haimovich H, Ramagge J
J Mare, J De Doná, M Seron, H Haimovich and J Ramagge: When does QP yield the exact solution to constrained NMPC?, International Journal of Control, 82 (2009), no. 5, 812–821.

14. Baumgartner U, Ramagge J, Rémy B
Udo Baumgartner, Jacqui Ramagge and Bertrand Rémy: Contraction groups in complete Kac-Moody groups, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 2 (2008), 337–352.

15. Baumgartner U, Ramagge J, Willis GA
Udo Baumgartner, Jacqui Ramagge and George A Willis: A compactly generated group, whose Hecke algebras admit no bounds on their representations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 48 (2006), 193–2001.

16. Baumgartner U, Foster J, Hicks J, Lindsay H, Maloney B, Raeburn I, Ramagge J, Richardson S
Udo Baumgartner, James Foster, Jacqueline Hicks, Helen Lindsay, Ben Maloney, Iain Raeburn, Jacqui Ramagge, and Sarah Richardson: Hecke algebras of group extensions, Communications in Algebra, 33 (2005), 4135–4147.

17. Ram A, Ramagge J
Arun Ram and Jacqui Ramagge: Affine Hecke Algebras, Cyclotomic Hecke algebras and Clifford Theory, Advances in Algebra and Geometry - University of Hyderabad Conference, Advances in Algebra and Geometry, C Musili (ed.), IMSc, India, Chennai, (2002), 428–466. ISBN 81 85931 36 4.

18. Ramagge J, Wheeler WW
Jacqui Ramagge and Wayne W Wheeler: Cohomology of buildings and finiteness properties of \(A_n\)-groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 354 (2001), no. 1, 47–61.

19. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: Groups, representations and Haagerup’s inequality for buildings, Volume 36 of the Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, National Symposium on Functional Analysis, Optimization and Applications, John Giles and Brett Ninness (eds.), Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, CMA, Canberra, (1999), 121–126.

20. Ramagge J, Robertson G, Steger TM
Jacqui Ramagge, Guyan Robertson and Tim Steger: A Haagerup Inequality for \(A_1 \times A_1\) and \(A_2\) Buildings, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 8 (1998), 702–731.

21. Ramagge J, Wheeler WW
Jacqui Ramagge and Wayne W Wheeler: Posets and differential graded algebras, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series A, 64 (1998), 1–19.

22. Ramagge J, Robertson G
Jacqui Ramagge and Guyan Robertson: Factors from Buildings, Contemporary Mathematics, 206 (1997), 165–167.

23. Ramagge J, Robertson G
Jacqui Ramagge and Guyan Robertson: Factors from Trees, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125 (1997), no. 7, 2051–2055.

24. Ramagge J, Robertson G
Jacqui Ramagge and Guyan Robertson: Triangle Buildings and Actions of Type \(III_{1/q^2}\), Journal of Functional Analysis, 140 (1996), 472–504.

25. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: How to make life hell for the judges of the B.H. Neumann Prize, The Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 23 (1996), 186–187.

26. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: A realization of certain affine Kac-Moody groups of types II and III, Journal of Algebra, 171 (1995), 713–806.

27. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: On certain fixed point subgroups of affine Kac-Moody groups, Journal of Algebra, 171 (1995), 473–514.

28. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: Affine Kac-Moody groups of types II and III, Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 319 (1994), 207–212.

29. Ramagge J
Jacqui Ramagge: An Introduction to Kac-Moody Groups, The Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 19 (1994), 207–212.

Number of matches: 29