Selected Talks

This page contains a selection of talks given at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society at the University of Sydney in 2013. If you have given a talk and would like it to be included here please send a PDF to [email protected].

Plenary Talks

Boyd, Stephen
Convex Optimization: From embedded real-time to large-scale distributed
Bryant, Robert
Progress in the Geometry of Differential Equations
Champagnat, Nicolas
Deterministic and stochastic approaches to study evolutionary branching in adaptive dynamics
Gentry, Sommer
Faster, Safer, Healthier: Adventures in Operations Research
Hegland, Markus
Computational mathematics, challenges and opportunities
Henderson, Anthony
A partial history of the Schur functor
Hyeon, David
Log minimal model program for the moduli space of curves
Johnstone, Iain
Random matrices in statistics: testing in spiked models
Jonsson, Mattias
Non-Archimedean Geometry
Noumi, Masatoshi
Discrete Painleve equations and special functions
Ringel, Claus Michael
Hidden symmetries of root systems

Selected Talks from Special Sessions

Carberry, Emma
Constant mean curvature tori in \(\mathbb R^3\) and \(S^3\)
Daners, Daniel
Non-positivity of the semigroup generated by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator
Droniou, Jerome
A numerical analysis framework for linear and non-linear elasticity equations
Elder, Murray
Extending the concept of an automatic group
Elder, Murray
The cogrowth series for \(BS(N,N)\) is \(D\)-finite
Garoni, Tim
Mixing time of the Swendsen-Wang process on the complete graph
Globke, Wolfgang
Fundamental Groups of Flat Pseudo-Riemannian Spaces
Hall, Joanne L
Alltop Functions
Ham, Nick
Classifications of Symmetric Normal Form Games
Ham, Nick
The Triapsis Semigroup
Hauer, Daniel
A Liouville theorem for \(p\)-harmonic functions on exterior domains
Kowalski, Tomasz
Ramsey-type colourings and Relation Algebras
Larusson, Finnur
Spaces of holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds to Oka manifolds
Leistner, Thomas
Global aspects of Lorentzian manifolds with special holonomy
Matthews, Daniel V
A Yang-Baxter equation from sutured Floer homology
Mofarreh, Fatemah
Fully nonlinear curvature flow of axially symmetric surfaces with boundary conditions
Roberts, David M.
An explicit string bundle
Wang, Bryan
Virtual neighbourhood techniques for pseudo-holomorphic spheres
Xu, Jon
Chevalley Groups and Finite Geometry

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